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Design, Photo Compositing and Printing by Walton Mendelson for:

Bill Wennerholm—Always Do Your Best—2008

20 x 26 inch poster, 2007-2008


Original, unretouched photographs and the finished poster for Bill Wennerholm. The upper left shot is the poster background (the standing figure does not block the high-voltage line tower). 39 hours.


Original photos by Cody Watson Poster designed by 12on14 Original Photos by Cody Watson


For a DVD of Bill's scateboarding and cycling adventures we made a DVD case insert and DVD label. Using the finished art from the posters the project took 6 hours.

DVD and CD cover art designed by 12on14
Art Design:

A therapist by trade, Bill is devoted to helping kids. What better way to reach them than through his love of skate boarding? At sixty-five, Bill drives with no less than nine boards in his car, ever ready!

The idea was to pack as much action into each of three posters (all three are shown on the DVD cover); however, the photographs were shot before the poster was designed. Working with highly compressed images (6.7 by 10.0 @ 300dpi), we had to build the backgrounds and extract the figures. There was no single shot of the car that showed all of it in 3/4 profile, the image is a composite of three partial images. All three backgrounds were composited together. Jpeg artifacts had to be removed before the images were scaled up to 20 by 26 inches at 300 dpi for printing.

If you want us to work with you either to restore or edit your art or print it, contact us.


Photographs © 2008 Cody Watson


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